20 April 2009



Hello, my Dear friends!
Today I want to share new mandalas with you.
Love and Peace!

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МОЙ Мандалы Здравствуйте, мои дорогие друзья! Сегодня я хочу поделиться новыми мандалы с вами. Любовь и Мир!

11 April 2009



Greetings to all!
Today's introduction will be devoted to Tibet mandalas. Until recently, the ritual of building Tibet mandalas, could be seen only within the walls of Tibetan monasteries. Mandalas were required attribute of Buddhist ceremonies. Wishing to maintain this unique tradition, Dalai Lama allowed the monks to build mandalas in different places around the world. The main objective of the monks to benefit the largest number of living beings. They say, that one look to mandala clears from all disease and negative energies, that impedes spiritual growth. For thousands of years, Tibetans have achieved extraordinary sophistication in it.

Each mandala is the symbolic image of palace with deity. It was believed that mandala is a gift to the gods, and must be extremely beautiful and perfect. In ancient Tibet, mandalas created of small semi-precious stones, such as turquoise, jasper, malachite, amber, pearls, coral, etc. Nowadays, Tibet mandalas created from the crushed marble. Obtained marble crumb must be sift and color, then sorted by size of particles. Each mandala requires 14 colors. Background for future mandala spread of the same crushed marble, but in some monasteries it could be from large pieces, which visually resemble gemstones. Then, on this surface caused decorative patterns and symbols. In ancient times, sand mandalas created by hands. Now it is done with the help of chakpu - special metallic conical tubes. Such technique of sand application is Tibetan know-how and isn’t found nowhere in the world. Mastering this art requires a great deal of patience and hard practice.

Tibet mandala is the integral part of tantric ritual, where strictly adhered ancient canons. The whole sequence of creation, color and structure of mandalas, are described in specific texts. The monks know the texts by heart and create mandalas from memory. Structure of each Tibet mandala represents image of palace, facing to the four corners of the world. Spreading the sand starts from the center and go to periphery. Building of mandala makes, usually four monks, each of whom is responsible for some side of the world. Mastering the sand painting is not the most difficult task. Much harder to learn the ritual itself, the text and melody, in which the mandala is constructed. The ceremony is always accompanied by singing overtones. Place and space, where the monks work in the meditative focus, filled with love and harmony. The more sophisticated work of monks, the more likely it is that anyone, who saw the mandala, receives a blessing from the Buddha. Construction of a large sand mandala takes about ten days. The final phase accomplished by the gratitude of all enlightened beings, teachers and mentors who bring them knowledge through the centuries. The finished mandala is dissolved, like a beautiful flower, gift peace and balance to each.

At the end of ritual, mandala must be destroyed. This is a special ritual, which determines Buddhist idea of impermanence of all things. Everything in our world is subject to collapse, and the mandala is not exception. This ritual is symbolic and holds a lot of different actions. At the final stage, monks sweep mandala to the center and put sand into the ritual cup. This sand has tremendous purification force and powerful energy, which should be directed to the benefit of all living beings. Then the monks go to the river or ocean, in order to bring the sand as a gift to the spirits of water to take it and extend the blessings to the worldwide. And so it ends the whole many days ceremony.

Indeed, the Tibet mandala is the key to hearts of everyone.

07 April 2009



Greetings to all!
Today I'll show you some other mandalas. This time, they significantly differ from mandalas, which you have already learned. The difference is of specific pattern of Sacred geometry. These mandalas are more personal spiritual experience rather than artistic improvisation. All mandalas this type are special method of mathematical calculation. Each of them represents the working of certain objectives, intentions or desires. In other words, each letter, word, phrase is embodiment of numbers, colors and forms.

All of these mandalas painted with tempera using a brush, which requires a plodding, and the limit of attention. Such painting is delicate and painstaking work. By drawing a mandala, you feel changes with it. Every next color represents mandala in a new form and view. At the moment of painting, the time, like disappears, and you are immersed in the incredibly beautiful mosaic world.

With Love, Mirra Tana




05 April 2009



Namaste all!
Take a delight in:)


04 April 2009



Greetings to all!
In a recent article I told about importance of the chakras. This article was introductory to further submitted material here were understandable and easy to use on practice. Today there will be about how you can use light mandalas for harmonizing and balancing your chakras.

First, print your chakra mandalas on a color printer. The size of mandala is not important, it could be small, for example 5 x 5 cm or more, at your discretion.

Select a suitable place for meditation, where nobody distracts you. You can turn on the meditative music which creates a nice background. Take convenient position of the body, such as sitting on a chair or on the floor. If possible, keep your back and head straight. You must be comfortable. Place the mandala before eye level, approximately at a distance of 1 meter. Concentrate on your breathing. Contemplate the mandala, defocused eye. Breathe slowly and rhythmically, imagining, as with breaths you inhale light of mandala, which fills the chakra of love and divine warmth. And when you doing exhalation, imagine, how stress, tiredness or negative emotions leave you and dissolve. Continue it for 10 - 15 minutes.

From my own experience, I can say that process of each chakra must be from 3 to 7 touches (days). You must process daily, not more than three chakras, in order to prevent overstrain. Upon completion of all cycles of this mandala-meditation you can come back to it again, if you feel desire or necessary.

The sequence of the chakras may be different. Usually, in similar meditative practices, used sequence from muladhara chakra (root) to sahasrara chakra (crown). This is the standard working scheme, which many apply successfully. I recommend starting with anahata chakra (heart center), because it is the central chakra of the energy human body and its harmonization positively affect all the chakras as a whole. Thus, subsequent meditation cycles will be more smooth and efficient. I saw this on my own experience, when practicing various versions of this meditation. As you know, anahata is source of comprehensive unconditional love. And the power of love gently removes all obstacles in its path, transforming them into divine light.

After working with anahata chakra, use the normal sequence (muladhara - sahasrara), or listen to inner voice that tells you your own order. If you have any difficulties in practice, please do not hesitate ask questions. I will answer and help you with pleasure. Questions can be posted here or e-mail: mandalland@gmail.com

With love, Mirra Tana

01 April 2009



Hello, Dear readers!
Today I will introduce an unusual story about collective mandala drawing. As I said earlier, the application scope of mandala is boundless, and all depends of your imagination and courage. The more you’ll be open and freedom creative, the more interesting result will be and, of course mandala itself.

Mandalas can be created from almost anything. You can paint them, draw, caparison, roast, create in computer, make appliques, sculpture of colored plasticine, spread them on the land with flowers, create from colored sand, gather from any things, drawing finger on weeping glass, in general, just materialize mandalas of all that comes to mind. It doesn’t matter, could you paint or something to do by hands. Everyone is able to create a mandala. The whole secret is, just start to do it. You don’t believe it? Ok. Try it yourself! And then you’ll tell me:)

Besides, it’s incredibly interesting and exciting process. I can say it for myself, when you begin to create mandala, escape from this almost impossible. It’s like to merge with it together. All become secondary, except mandala and you.

I can say certainty, that mandala is living being. Once the mandala is born, it begins to live its own life. Being in the space of your home, it eliminates all the negative influences and fills its peace and harmony. The house has become warmth and coziness.

And now, go back to the story. As I said above, mandalas can be made from anything and anywhere. So I with my friends decided to draw a large mandala on the wall in their home living room. The idea was born spontaneously. First, we rule mandala on the wall, and then began to apply paint. Morning started, and late night mandala was ready. Do not see the point to describe process fully, pictures will tell everything and even more.
Inspire! Be bold, create and draw by yourself!
Love and peace.